KubeMQ Control Center is Upgraded with Automatic Network Creation Functionalities
We are proud to announce the upgrade of the control center, used to easily create and manage message-based connectivity of multiple Kubernetes deployments, with automatic network creation functionalities. The automatic network creation functionalities are being launched during KubeCon NA 2020 where visitors are invited to get a firsthand impression of the automatic functionality efficiency and ease of use in live demonstrations at the KubeMQ booth.
The automatic network creation is a CLI that easily and transparently creates and connects, KubeMQ connectors and bridges while eliminating the hurdle of setting parameters and editing configuration files. Using the control center automatic functionalities, the network architecture is managed, elements are being added or modified, all from a single easy to use interface. Smooth integration is a click away for a long list of external services such as DB, cache, messaging, and storage. KubeMQ cluster creation and management are available, including KubeMQ cluster quick duplication and editing.
KubeMQ platform is a Kubernetes native, enterprise-grade message broker and message queue with ready-to-use connectors, bridges, and control center. KubeMQ simplifies dramatically the deployment and management of the messaging system. With support of all messaging patterns KubeMQ is a one-stop shop for building fast and efficient microservices architecture.
KubeMQ platform enables microservices from multiple environments to communicate with each other and build one hybrid infrastructure solution across multi-cloud, on-premises, and at the edge. KubeMQ platform enables enterprises to gradually migrate their monolithic or microservices infrastructure to a hybrid cloud solution safely, seamlessly and without service disruption.
KubeMQ components are:
KubeMQ server supports all messaging patterns such as Queue, Stream, Pub/Sub, and RPC.
KubeMQ bridges, provide a perfect way to bridge, replicate, or aggregate messaging between Kubernetes clusters across cloud environments.
KubeMQ targets enable instant connection between microservices and a rich set of cloud and external services.
KubeMQ sources support gradual migration from a monolithic environment with legacy messaging systems to an advanced Kubernetes hybrid solution.
And KubeMQ control center, which enables developers to easily create and manage multiple infrastructure Kubernetes deployments.
To try the new control center just sign up free for KubeMQ!